Финальная битва между добром и нейтралитетом

Интервью New York Times

Дал интервью New York Times.

“It is much easier for us to explain that within these 15 years, Putin actually did nothing,” he said. “All the time they told us that they are reconstructing the great Russia, they are reconstructing the great Soviet Union and blah blah. But now oil prices dropped and everything is falling apart.”

The government has tried to extend his house arrest, despite the sentencing in December. Mr. Navalny plans to pick up where he left off, trying to weaken the centralized authority of Mr. Putin and the ruling United Russia party by highlighting accusations of corruption and mismanagement. The president may enjoy an 84 percent approval rating for returning Crimea to Russian control last March, he said, but polling by Mr. Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation indicates that 87 percent want government corruption curbed.

Despite Mr. Putin’s huge personal support, “he cannot delegate this support to the lower level, that is why this system is so weak,” Mr. Navalny said.

The headquarters of his anti-corruption campaign are in an upscale office block. They could be the disheveled offices of a campaign anywhere, except one whiteboard details the interrogation schedule of employees hauled in for questioning by the security services — 12 sessions in three days.

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